Tuesday, March 12, 2019


The process of learning photoshop and working with digital photographs was a good learning experience.  It was not too difficult, but it challenged me enough to the extent that I had to work hard in order to get somewhat comfortable with the program and its practical uses.  The most challenging aspect of learning about Photoshop was getting used to navigating around the various toolbars in the software interface.
I was interested in learning Photoshop because it will help me if I get a job working behind the scenes in a local media organization.  Once I got used to getting around the program, I was able to have some fun with it while being productive and mindful of the educational task before me. Working with photos was challenging, yet fun.  The process was very much trial and error for me because of my unfamiliarity to Adobe photoshop.  Learning the functions of the tools in the program was not very difficult, but learning how to undo the effects of those tools and fix various mistakes took time.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

W A K E U P, D R E A M E R S

Dreams are necessary. Without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase. There will be no goal to reach. We will all be nothing without dreams. not having dreams is like chasing a traceless murder. It is like following an invisible shadow. It is a dreadful goose chase. We must know what we want to do and follow that ambition. We can't achieve anything in life without goals, and for these goals, we need to dream.

Most people have dreams. Big ones or small ones. Even the most successful people had dreams and that is what has made them what they are today. Dreaming is essential for a human being. Without dreams, you will lose interest in life and finally hate to live life. You will be bored and tired of the same monotonous routines of your daily life and will not even find interest in the most exciting things. Only with dreams, will you find a purpose to live your life. You will start working hard towards the dream and will never lose interest in life. You will never tire and always be motivated. This is the best way to become successful. But with dreams, comes great responsibility. It is just no t enough to dream and forget about that dream. Many people dream, but only some wake up andwork for it. It is essential to work for you dream. Without this hard work, a dream will only remain a desire in the subconscious mind and will never be achieved. If you don't dream, you can never enjoy the luxuries of life or all that life has to offer. You will never feel that ecstatic feeling of achievement. You will never get pride in what you do and what you have achieved. All these things are necessary for human beings and without these feelings, there is no motivation.. If you don't have motivation, you will be a failure in life. You will not be able to achieve those goals and will lead a miserable life. You will never enjoy the luxuries of life and you will never feel happy. You will be a failure and you will be nothing in life. Dreaming helps you to get an attitude of doing better or constant improvement. Constant improvement is very important. We must go that extra mile to reach our goals. Failures may come, but an attitude to keep energizing you to go further. Even of there are many obstacles in life, you tend to keep moving further and trying to be better than who you are. Constant and never ending improvement is very vital progressing in life. It enhances your personality and also whatever you want to progress in. It helps you to learn from your mistakes. Steady progression will help in slowly achieving a big goal. So this quality is very important.

Dreams also help in aiming for bigger goals. Dreaming for big goals are very important and they can even be dreams that change the course of your entire life. It decides your occupation and inner desires. For teenagers and kids, it helps in becoming more studious and makes you more inclined towards studying. it helps you achieve any goal that you want to achieve. It is almost the most essential thing in one's life. So dreams are very important in life. They motivate, inspire, improve and help you in achieving any goal that you want to achieve. It is the most important thing in life and without dreams, we will be nowhere.

Foundation Day

Foundation Day, the most awaited and the busiest occasion in school. It is the time to commemorate the birth of the school. There is a great deal of hurried activities, boundless excitement and anticipation that awaits the participants for the event. Students are thrilled to participate in different activities. Even those who are not actively participating in the event are elated to have a field demonstration, not having classes, just chilling and enjoying fun filled day at school.

Preparations start much ahead of time. Initially, a meeting is called out of faculty members then informing all the students about the set-up activities for the two-day program. The school gets a major make-over where in and out of the classrooms are thoroughly cleaned up, bulletin boards are updated and well-decorated. this is to have a good impression of the school from the guests, parents and other visitors. Much so, the alumni of the school who would like to join and attend the celebration. The different activities in store for the students are highly anticipated. Long rehearsals are done to master the pieces to be presented, it not showcased in perfection.

As the day arrives, very one is enveloped with excitement and worry. The juncture is decorated with astonishing beautification which make the venue more encouraging to the participants of the event. Normally, the program starts with an opening remark from the school principal and the inspiring talk from the guests speaker. Then, the activities are commenced and winners are announced afterwards. The program closes with acknowledgement of all the participants of the event. Finally, everyone goes home saying goodbye to each other.


The process of learning photoshop and working with digital photographs was a good learning experience.  It was not too difficult, but it ch...