Thursday, August 9, 2018

Reflection: The world's changes when we change our perspective

Well I've learned and discussed so many in first quarter. Blogging. Before, I don't know what blogging is but when we tackled it I've learned so many things and discovered how it works and how to use it properly. But then it wasn't easy as I thought.

I encoutered problems in this blogging. At first I don't know where should I start. But then our teacher is teaching us step by step on how to create our blog. Again it was not easy but that doesn't mean your going to give up easily you should be patient. In our first post we're all amazed that each of our post is were going to write a nonsense comments.

And the following days went well. So now we still creating our blogs and commenting each others blog because its fun. And I will teach the teenagers like me because I want share what I've learned and it makes me happy teaching others. So that's all.

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The process of learning photoshop and working with digital photographs was a good learning experience.  It was not too difficult, but it ch...